ILP #2 Design: Diigo
For my second ILP, I used the tool Edmodo to create a class page. I chose this particular tool because I have used it as a student, but not as a teacher. I found the resource to be relatively useful. However, the tool was difficult to navigate at first. I learned how to do a plethora of things while using Edmodo. First and foremost, I attached my actual class blog that I used earlier in the semester. In addition, I created a class blog quiz to ensure that my students visited the class web page. I also made two quiz assignments through Edmodo so that I could see if the students completed the quiz or not. In addition to the quiz, I created a folder with a few resources that my students will use throughout the semester. Some of the resources that I listed were SAT practice information, the Nashville Public School's web page, Diigo, the Nashville Public Library, and the common core requirements for 11th grade English students in the state of Tennessee. I am hopeful that what I lear...