Blog Journal 4

I have had several years experience using twitter for both pleasure and educational purposes. I believe it provides a great platform for keeping up to date with the daily news. As social media has evolved, twitter has been one of the best applications for both teens and adults to obtain their news.  One can even turn on twitter notifications to get news as soon as it comes out.

I personally use twitter no this for keeping up to date on what is happening in our class. I get a notification every time that the FSU EME account sends out a tweet. This is especially helpful for the class challenges. It is the most beneficial way to keep on top of things through twitter. I mostly interact with my peers through twitter, but I occasionally communicate with professional organizations and political accounts.

Twitter is a great way to connect with a mass audience, it can be beneficial in any career. It can even provide you with the tools to find a job. As I am considering law school, I know of several law firms, and law schools that use twitter to reach out to individuals considering the field of legal studies. Twitter allows for anyone to share their opinion with everyone. It is by far my favorite social media site.

As for the digital divide, I think it effects children in a plethora of ways. The digital divide impacts a child's ability to learn. The biggest factor in this is economical limitations. Some children may not be able to afford the proper technology. It may be assumed that everyone has a computer, but that is not always the case. I do not believe the divide is because of the children not being able to comprehend the information that is presented through technological platforms.

I think we have a divide in educational technology because we do not put enough money into education. I have seen this to be an issue first hand. I was one of the first classes to receive a smart board when they first became popular. However, not every class had a smart board at my school. This put other classes at an advantage, limiting the opportunities of several of the students in my school.

Standing up for education, fighting for grant money, that is essential when it comes to the education of out nation's children. It is simply unfair that teachers have to use personal money to provide opportunities for our students. Personally, I would be a teacher that would do everything in my power to enhance my student's educational experience, even if it meant spending my own money.

I have considered doing teaching for America, and the organization mostly works with underfunded schools. The digital divide is important because some of these schools have limited options, as I said before. If I were to teach, I would like to believe that I would break through some of these challenges. Nonetheless, the issue of a digital divide still exists.

I would start in trying to incorporate most of the educational technology in class, where it should be available to all of the students. I would not be fair to require all of my students to use a computer. If I needed to, I would try to fundraise for the school. I am all for equal opportunities in education. I think if we had more funding, or a better secretary of education, we wouldn't see as much of a digital divide.

For software, I would more than likely use Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Both of these software programs are used in the world every day. I think introducing these programs in the classroom would provide students with real world experience. This is exactly why our class is required for all students at Florida State. We cover both of these programs in our course.

Life is essentially one big presentation. Whether it be a job interview, a speech, meeting someone for the first time, etc. I think introducing my students to these programs will allow for them to be more comfortable communicating with their peers. I would provide my students with an ample amount of opportunities to become more comfortable speaking in front of an audience.

It has been said before that the second biggest fear next to dying is public speaking. I truly believe that public speaking is one of the most crucial skills for students to have both in academics and in the real world. It is my job to prepare my students for the life ahead of them. I think both of these programs will provide students with the ability to speak with confidence. Both of these programs are used to share thoughts, opinions and facts in a way that is presentable.


  1. I think your response about digital divide is very insightful because its true that economics play a huge role in the digital divide. I never thought about it in terms of it not being the children's inability to perform well, but because of the economic status.


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