Blog Journal 3

I feel extremely comfortable preparing my students and pushing them to meet the ELA standards that are put in place by our education system. If I were to list off the standards that I am most comfortable with, it would be analyzing text, pointing out elements of text, and close reading. This is mostly because I do most of these things every day as an avid reader and English major. All of these requirements fall under the section of key ideas and details in the 11-12 grade English category. I also believe that I would be sufficient in helping my students understand the structure of different words and phrases.

One thing that I wold need to learn more about is the range of reading level and text complexity standard. It is my duty as a high school teacher to prepare my students for the world ahead of them. It is too often that we see students who graduate functionally illiterate. In part, teachers are to blame. However, an ample amount of students read at a lower grade level than the one that they are in. This is mostly due to the type of background that the student comes from. As a teacher, you can only do so much for a student. If their upbringing impacts their ability to learn and grow in the classroom, it can be disheartening to watch. I would like to learn how to properly motivate my students to jump over these types of hurdles. I hope as an educator I will learn many different ways to instill confidence in my students, allowing them to grow as readers.

As for the CPALMS, I chose Piecing it together: Understanding Semicolon usage.
 The activity allows for students to understand how to use a semicolon in the appropriate way. I chose this activity because it is engaging and it is a great tool for auditory learners. I would use this in my classroom because it is a hands on approach style of learning. As media continues to develop, I think it is valuable to use content that keeps the students interested.

Many high school students spend more time on the computer on internet than they do in a textbook. I believe that providing them with a learning style that they enjoy is instrumental to their success. Below I attached both the link to Doppelgänger Danger, (the tool my group chose in class,) and the "Understanding Semicolon Usage" activity. Furthermore, I chose the semicolon activity because it is something that even college students and adults still struggle with. It is a concept that many students will need to understand before graduation.

For the newsletter, I have learned quite a bit of new information in such a little amount of time. First and foremost, I use a MacBook pro. While it does not differ from the computers that we use in class by much, there are many different nuances. I have plenty of experience using MS word, but I have yet to make my own newsletter.

 If I were to be honest, I am not technologically savvy. Due to that, this class can be very challenging to me. I have found that when you begin to figure things out that you did not know before, it is very rewarding. I finally mastered the border of my newsletter, and I have started to figure out how to put pictures in the newsletter.  I discovered how to change the colors of the border, along with many other different things.

One thing that I seem to be struggling with, is the columns of the newsletter. I am still working on finding my direction in this project, as it is not due until Friday. I do not have any complaints about this project, I think I will see some fruition from this assignment later in my career. I have always wanted to attend law school. However in doing this assignment, it has made me question whether or not I would enjoy being a high school English teacher.

If I were to teach, or work as a practicing lawyer, I would have to develop my own newsletter for my class or for my law firm. Even my mom used to send out a family newsletter to friends via email every month. I can improve this assignment by practicing the skills that we covered in class. I think I can do better on this assignment in every aspect. I really need to work on my formatting to ensure that I do well on this project.  It is my goal to have  mastered this assignment well before Friday. I mostly enjoyed this assignment because it is applicable to any career that I may choose.

I should conclude in saying that this assignment is simply rewarding. Putting your ideas to paper, and using your creativity to complete an assignment is a win for any college student. There is a screenshot below of what I have been working on so far.


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