Blog Post #1

There is no way around it, technology has had a massive impact on our nation's education system. As we continue to progress as a society with advancements in technology, it is crucial that we look far beyond our textbooks when looking for effective learning strategies. I firmly believe in technology as a platform to simplify learning. This is most likely the motivation behind the use of technology in the classroom. I think access to information plays a huge part in this. The evolution of the internet, smart phones, and apps has significantly altered the classroom dynamic. Teachers use technology to communicate with students in a way that easy for them to comprehend.

The ISTE standard that I find meaningful is No. 6, Creative Communicator. I find that allowing students to seek creativity in their assignments will motivate them to actually do the work. As our attention spans continue to shorten, it is important that we provide students a way to communicate with teachers in a way the interests the students. This "hands on" approach keeps the students engaged in the classroom. I thrive in a creative environment which is why I find this standard meaningful.

One standard that I find to be outside of my current skill set is No. 5, computational thinker. The learning style that encompasses this concept is not my forte. Developing testing solutions is not something that I find particularly appealing. However, this exactly why there are several different standards that can be expressed through technology. Each standard caters to a different individual. Technology allows the opportunity for students to learn through many different lenses.

I am somewhere in the middle when it comes to the term "digital age," which refers to the idea that your birth year determines whether you are capable of using different types of technology. I think that the mediums of technology that each generation uses can have an impact on their technological competency. For example, I cannot develop film, I would struggle with film if I were to work in the broadcasting industry in the 80's. This is just one example.

Other generations before my own may struggle with using apple products, phone applications, etc. I think this term is relative, as each generation is trying to keep up with the current technology. To put it simply, I don't agree with the idea that my generation is one step ahead. I think that you either adapt, or you don't survive.

For example, I have friends within my own generation that are far more technologically savvy than I am. I have also seen teachers that are evolving with the new technology. Obviously, there are some teachers that are lightyears behind millennials. Although, it is not crazy to think that some teachers are technologically sound in the current climate.

I think we've all had a teacher or two that uses a chalkboard or an old projector. This has had a big impact on my education, as I prefer smart boards. There is definitely a disconnect between generations, but it is not always the case.

I have seen my grandma play cards on her iPad and that is something that I thought that I would never see. I will conclude in saying that I will have own struggles as I try to keep up with the younger generation. I am far more old fashioned than many people my age. I am not a huge advocate of all of the advancements that we have made thus far in technology. I still have trouble keeping up with snapchat and instagram, as new features are added every few months.

As every generation develops new apps and social networks, I know that I will struggle with keeping up with the times. However, this will most likely be due to my own ignorance. Some generations may refuse to adapt purposefully. If I am forced to adapt for the purpose of education, I will.

The idea that one generation can't keep up with another is just plain silly. I think that anyone with the desire to learn something new is fully capable of adapting to new technology. Things that are outdated will also continue to come into conversation.

Polaroids are back, record players are becoming increasingly more popular. There are plenty of people that prefer different ways of learning than the way that their generation is expected to. For example, the readings from this week mention that my generation does not like reading.

This is so far from the truth as I read books, sports magazines, pop culture magazines, etc. I agree that we will continue to see technology grow. I do not like this idea that every generation must be put into a category, almost assuming that one person is to act the way that their collective generation does.

Only time will tell, but I look forward to facing the music!


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